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vegan red


Product Review: LUSH

I don't think I have ever been more excited about anything in my entire life. Growing up, I didn't really have the luxury to afford body conditioners, face masks, bath bombs or other things that make your skin feel like a million bucks. I'm not complaining, because my mother always took exceptional care of me, I had a roof over my head, and always had food to eat.

But I will forever be in love with all of these products, and this is just the beginning.

I only heard about Lush a few years ago when my friend bought me soap from their store. I lathered up in a citrus scent and went absolutely wild for it (I think the soap was called baked Alaska, it was rainbow colored and made me smell like I just jumped in a pool full of grapefruit <3).

Not knowing that they had a store about forty miles away, I went on with my life and forgot about the love I had for that bar of soap.

I followed a few people who loved their products and found myself a little green with envy that I couldn't experience the joy as well.

It wasn't until a few days ago when I ran out of foundation, I looked up makeup stores in google maps and found that a Lush was in Boulder. I was electrified and thrilled, I would soon experience the virtue that everyone had been talking about.

My boyfriend and I had already made reservations to go to a Tibetan restaurant for dinner the next day, so I said we need to make a pit-stop at Lush.

This particular store isn't the biggest one, but let me tell you, it gets the job done. As soon as you walk in, you are immersed in the amazement of all the things try. Face masks, body butters, moisturizers, lotions, anything you want to try is yours.

I felt a little overwhelmed, but I knew I wanted to get foundation (because I was out) and a bath bomb or two.

I have fair skin, but it's not so fair that it's difficult for me to find foundation for. I have only had a few incidents where my foundation didn't match my face, but then I just went back to the store, and exchanged it for a lighter color.

Heading over to where they keep the foundation (which was easy to find because they keep them in those little cute glass jars) I felt myself deciding between the dark yellow, and the light pink. I tried both of them on, and they blended into my skin nicely.

I asked an associate to help me, and she was very helpful. We decided the light pink would probably be the best match, because I have more pink tones in my skin than yellow. And if I wanted to put a little more on, it would still match my skin tone nicely.

I took a look at the bath bombs, and decided on the Butterball (this one is known to give your body extra moisture) and I have incredibly dry skin in the winter, so I wanted to try this out.

I've had bath bombs before, and loved them incredibly, so I think I am the most excited to try this one out.

I also went with the Razzle Dazzle Luxury Bath Oil, because I love berries and this one is known to relax you and leave your skin extra soft.

I went to check out, and the cashier was so friendly, and was very happy to hear that this was my first time at the store. I was happy too because she gave me free samples. So I came home with five different products instead of three. Imagine my excitement?

So here I am, ready to tell you how much I loved all of these products, because I am going to make a point to try something new from them every month. I even installed the Lush app on my phone. With all of that said, please enjoy my review of my very first Lush haul.

First product: Avocado co-wash

  • Cleanses & Hydrates

  • Cupuacu & Cocoa Butter

  • Bergamont Scent

With no idea what a co-wash was, I did some research.

It turns out that, co-washing your hair is actually pretty popular, and very beneficial, to those who need it. It is basically just washing your hair with conditioner (it still contains basic washing ingredients so you aren't just oiling your hair up). If you have mixed texture hair, afro like, or incredibly dry hair, you would probably benefit from it. Most shampoo contains sulfates (detergents that can strip the nature moisture and oil from your hair) so when you co-wash your hair is able to retain the natural moisture and oil. This particular bar is 80% conditioner 20% shampoo.

I have frizzy hair, and sometimes it is a little too oily so I decided to give it a try.

Upon smelling this bar, I wanted to eat it, it smelled so good (don't try that though). I've never used a shampoo or conditioner bar, and I thought this was straight up shampoo when I used it (I didn't do research on co-washing until after I used it, dumb, I know). I started rubbing it on my hair and didn't really like the way it felt at all. It didn't lather, and I felt like I had to use a lot of it in order to get it on my hair. Honestly I thought I was using it all wrong, it just felt like a soap bar that I was putting in my hair.

When I got out of the shower, I used my towel to pat-dry my hair, brushed it out, and waited for it to dry.

It looked more alive than ever before (I've colored it plenty of times and I'm letting it get back to it's natural color). It was softer than ever, easier to brush out, and looked just overall so much healthier than I have seen it in a long time. A huge plus is that it still smells amazing at the end of the day. I just bought some new shampoo and conditioner, and I think that I'm gonna return that stuff and buy a full bar of this instead.

Second product: Ro's Argan Body Conditioner

  • Deeply Moisturizes

  • Cocoa, Shea & Cupuacu Butters

  • Brazil, Almond & Argan Oils

I've also never used a body conditioner before, and honestly thought that I was supposed to use it instead of body wash. Then when I was in the shower, quickly realized that it made sense to use it after using body wash, and rinsed the small amount I had applied to my arm off. I washed my body per usual and then applied a small amount of the conditioner to my body. I started rinsing it off and it felt like I had been putting lotion on my body in the shower. It wasn't really rinsing off, but I remember hearing that you were supposed to rinse it off. I know, I didn't really do my research before trying all these products out. I will do better next time. Anyways, this stuff smelled so good, and felt like an absolute dream when I put it on my skin. I stepped out of the shower and felt like my skin was just lighter and smoother than ever before. Too bad this stuff is $35. Maybe next year for my birthday!

Third product: Razzle Dazzle Luxury Meltable Bath Oil

  • Soften & Moisturize

  • Persian Lime, Jojoba & Bergamot Oils

  • Shea & Cocoa Butters

This thing kind of bothered me, it melted in my hands, and it melted all over my bath bomb. Let me say though, this is even better than any bath bomb that I have ever had. I've never used one of these before, but I've heard very VERY good things. I got in, and placed it in my bathtub, and it started leaving streaks of pink everywhere, which was just beautiful in my opinion. When it was all done melting, it left my tub water the prettiest shade of pink. I stayed in the tub for the normal amount of time (or what I think a normal amount of time for a bath is...) and felt relaxed and like I was breathing in a berry scented dream. My cats were a little concerned as to why the tub water was turning pink. End result: my skin feels soft, luxurious and silky smooth. This was also my favorite to take pictures of in the bath. My cats were a little concerned with the color of the water.

Fourth product: Butterball Bath Bomb

  • Soften & Hydrate

  • Cocoa Butter

  • Vanilla Scents

When I put this in the bath tub, it started fizzing around right away, and spitting out little buttery flecks (that sounds gross, but it felt amazing). I only stayed in the bath tub for about 20 minutes, because the water wasn't hot enough. I've used bath bombs before, but nothing like this. I've had ones this size, or bigger, that took such a long time to dissolve in the bath. It's annoying, to be honest, but this one dissolved in less than five minutes. It was so fun to watch too! I loved the smell of it, and it left my skin feeling incredibly smooth (smoother than any other bath bomb I've ever used).

I will definitely be buying this one again!

Fifth Product: Light Pink Color Supplement

  • Light & Versatile

  • Evens Out Skin Tone

  • Lightweight & Soothing Ingredients

The last foundation I purchased was from target, and I thought it was a great foundation, until I tried this out. It really is lightweight, it feels so smooth going onto your skin. To top it off, it's the perfect base to add blush or contour on top of. I start off with a primer, add on the color supplement, then contour and then spray my face with finishing spray. Then, I add on mascara and eyebrow pencil and I'm ready for the day! I will be buying this forever, it's honestly the perfect shade for my skin tone and it has made me have more fun while putting on makeup.

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